Monday, December 15, 2008

Android on iPhone?

I was searching material to learn objective C for iPhone, then I found there is an artical saying iPhone DevTeam is working on putting Android on iPhone. They have already successfully ported Linux kernel 2.6 to iPhone OS1 and OS2. That's great. I would like to see Android running on iPhone and compare with the original iPhone Drawin OS.

But I guess the result is the same, I believe the OSX Drawin would be more stable and user friendly while Android has more freedom and control on your hardware and system. I believe Android has more potential then iPhone original OS. Right now, Android is not some thing that I want, since an iPhone can do most stuffs that I want. Well.. of course there are somethign I don't like about iPhone, there is no "copy and paste" and I hate that iTune sync! The sync is even worse than Windows Mobile! unbelievable! Android is still a baby, give it 2,3 years, if there is someone give it a fancier interface, it's gonna be a great Mobile OS!

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to Android on iPhone. ^^

'Open-Source iPhone' – Linux Boot Possible

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